Levels Criteria

 Students need to achieve the criteria listed in the levels below. They will then be given the appropriate award. This process is meant to take most of the year to complete. Some students will not complete all award levels.

MACC Year 4 Student Management Level

Bronze Award

To achieve Bronze you must demonstrate the ability to regularly meet most of the criteria below. This needs to be demonstrated to all teachers both in the classroom and playground. This is awarded in Terms 1 to 4.

Bronze Criteria

o    Regularly follow school rules.
o    Regularly listens attentively in class and school settings.
o    Often strives for excellence in learning.
o    Often demonstrates positive and well organised work habits.
o    Completes most tasks and demonstrates pride in their work.
o    Regularly demonstrates the ability to act and play safely.
o    Often displays a caring attitude to others.
o    Usually demonstrates responsibility for personal and school property.

Date Bronze Awarded _____________________

Silver Award

To achieve Silver you must demonstrate the ability to regularly meet most of the criteria below. This needs to be demonstrated to all teachers both in the classroom, playground and all school functions. This is awarded in Terms 2 to 4.

Silver Criteria
o    Consistently follows School rules.
o    Listens attentively in all situations.
o    Continuously strives for excellence in their learning.
o    Displays positive work habits and attitude.
o    Completes tasks and demonstrates pride in all their work.
o    Acts and plays safely constantly and respecting others.
o    Regularly displays a caring attitude toward others.
o    Consistently takes responsibility for personal and school property.
o    Displays excellent behaviour when representing the school.
o    Consistently wears the school uniform appropriately.

Date Silver Awarded _____________________

Gold Award

To achieve Gold you must demonstrate the ability to regularly meet most of the criteria below. This needs to be demonstrated to all teachers both in the classroom, playground and all school functions. This is awarded in Term 4.

Gold Criteria
o   Consistently follows school rules being an outstanding role model for others.
o   Listens attentively and actively engages in class activities.
o   Continuously displays excellence in their learning.
o   Displays outstanding work habits and attitude.
o   Completes all tasks and demonstrates pride in all their work.
o   Acts and plays safely demonstrating respect for others.
o   Demonstrates outstanding citizenship in the school and community.
o   Displays responsibility for personal and school property.
o   Promotes the school through consistent wearing of the school
uniform in a tidy manner.

Date Gold Awarded ____________________

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