Friday, 18 September 2015

Athletics Results

Congratulations to Charlotte, Ryley and Joshua for their outstanding results at the Met South West Athletics Carnival this term.
Charlotte was the 9 years age champion.

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

NSW University Science Competition

Well done to Ryley for achieving a credit in the NSW University Science Competition. 

Mathematics Award

Congratulations to Alex, Josh, Sienna and Josh for achieving the Mathematics Award at the assembly today. 

Science Experiment

We had a lot of fun today experimenting with dry ice. In this experiment we made bubbles using dish washing liquid and carbon dioxide. As you can see we were very excited. 

Monday, 14 September 2015

Book Week Parade

4E had a great day at the Book Week Parade this year. We had some wonderful characters being represented. Congratulations to Sian and Nathanael for their first place costumes.
Thanks to all the parents who came along to help out and enjoy the day.

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

PE with Year 10

Over the next few weeks Year 10 PASS class will be using their skills to coach us in Netball. 

Monday, 7 September 2015

The Rooster by Picasso

Our representation of Picasso's painting The Rooster. We are learning to critique our work and say what we think is good about it. 

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Botanical Gardens Excursion

We had a fantastic day today exploring the Botanical Gardens. God answered our prayers and the rain held off. We observed the Cumberland Woodland - native to our area and the Wollemi Pine - a newly discovered plant. We even saw some fauna, including a wallaby.
Zack and Alex had the opportunity to ask the Ranger a question each and report back to the class about feral animals and rare plants. The BBQ lunch was a treat and eagerly devoured by 80 hungry kids. Overall, it was a great day of fun and learning.