Sunday, 31 May 2015

Penrith Observatory Excursion

Last Friday night Stage 2 had a fabulous time visiting the Penrith Observatory. The students were fascinated at being able to view Saturn, Jupiter and the Moon through the telescopes. The 3D movie cause a lot of excitement with students trying to touch the objects as they appeared in front of us. I am sure we all learned a lot about the our solar system that will help with our Science topic this term.

We are also so thankful to God for answering our prayers from Friday morning. He cleared the sky so we could look through the telescopes and clearly see the planets and moon.

A very big thank you to all the parents who helped out on the night.

Thursday, 28 May 2015

Science Project

Today in Science we learned about how day and night occur and why we have the seasons. To show their understanding of this each student in 4E will be making a model of what they have learned. Next Thursday, 4th June, they will need to bring in items to construct their model in class. They have already designed their model and decided what items they need to bring in.

To refresh their memory here is a clip we watched in class.

Penrith Excursion

Tomorrow is the big day. Please make sure that your child has warm clothes and sensible shoes. They need a pencil to write with and a clipboard, if you have one. They will not need to bring anything else. 
Please make sure you are in the car park by 4:15 pm so we can check the roll, board the buses and be off by 4:30 pm. 
We should be back at the College by 9:30 pm. 

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Science awards

Congratulations to Jake, Paiten and Ryley for getting the Science awards at our assembly.

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

4E would like to welcome Miss Kelleher to our class this term. Miss Kelleher is a student teacher who is helping us out with our learning.

Monday, 4 May 2015

MACC students had a wonderful time at the Athletics Carnival today. The rain held off so we could all enjoy the events of the day.